CS 180: Project 5

Part 1:

I felt this was really straightforward just following the given instructions.







Q 1.7:

Q 1.71:

Web Downloaded Image:

My drawing:

Q 1.72:


Q 1.8:

Q 1.9:

I honestly learnt a lot playing around with diffusion models and I found the hybrid images incredibly fascinating when I was working with them.

Part 2:

The implemented U-Net architecture is designed for image denoising tasks, where it processes noisy images to predict and remove noise components from the original image. The network's structure comprises:

Below we can visualize the effects of sigma = 0.5 when we add noise to the image.

The MNIST dataset was used for training with the following hyperparameters:

Here we can see the differences between loss values at epoch level 1 vs epoch 5.

This image represents performance with different sigma values.

I wasn’t able to finish but honestly, I found that opportunity of implementing an actual diffusion model and research paper to be one of the more interesting things I’ve done in my time at college.